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People Are Freaking Out Over the Theory That [Spoiler] Will Die in the Game of Thrones Finale

Game of Thrones
WARNING: Book spoilers for A Dance with Dragons and irresponsible speculation about Game of Thrones dead ahead! As you can tell by the title, we're talking about a possible death in the season five finale of Game of Thrones. Do not read for one more second if you don't want to be spoiled. This is your final warning! If you read on and then complain about how we spoiled the show for you, then we will metaphorically burn you with the fire of a thousand dragons.
Ready? Are you sure? OK, let's get to it...after these spoiler GIFs:

Spoilers GIF
Spoilers GIF
Spoilers GIF
The Game of Thrones finale, titled "Mother's Mercy," is right around the corner. Can you feel it? There is an energy in the air that signifies a highly-anticipated TV finale and also the dread of another long year of waiting for new episodes of Game of Thrones. Didn't the season just start?! Damn.
But if you sense something else in the air that feels like pain, fear, dread and/or nerd rage, then you are probably just experiencing all the human beings who are deathly afraid of losing a beloved character in the finale. Why do these people think this certain someone will die? Well, their fate in the books is left up in the air and since the GoT writers are changing things up...who knows what they're going to do?!
You know who we're talking about, don't you?

Game of Thrones, Kit Harrington Helen Sloan/HBO
Oh, Jon Snow. You sweet, pouty-lipped, gentle little lamb. We just want to reach through the screen and wrap you in our arms and protect you forever.
So in A Dance with Dragons (final spoiler warning), Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) is about to set out to hunt down Ramsay Bolton for reasons which we won't spoil here, although if you read this far you either don't care about spoilers or you already know, but anyway. Before he can leave, however, Jon gets the Julius Caesar treatment and gets straight up stabbed by a group of men led by Bowen Marsh. He's left bleeding on the ground and he passes out. And that's it. Book cliffhanger!
Is he alive? Dead? In the books, we don't know. But in the show, we're about to find out. And people are very, very concerned about the fate of Jon Snow.
And then there is the whole thing with Kit cutting his hair. Back in January, he showed up at the UK premiere for Testament of Youth with a shorter 'do, and that made people very upset because Harrington always said he can't even cut his hair because of his commitment to GoT. So when he shows up with shorter locks, does that mean his commitment to the show is...over?
Kit Harrington Ian Gavan/Getty Images

Not really. His hair is really just trimmed and not lopped off. The signature curls are still there, albeit a bit shorter. So we're going to assume that the haircut signifies nothing.
In fact, when you look at recent press appearances, his hair looks like it's back to its normal Jon Snow-y glory.
So let's just throw away the haircut theory.
But we still have to deal with the fact that in the books, Jon Snow gets stabbed. A lot. And he's left for dead. Will the show follow the books? Would the GoT writers really kill off a character so beloved by everyone? They wouldn't do that...would they?
Game of Thrones GIFs HBO
Game of Thrones GIFs HBO
Game of Thrones GIFs HBO
Game of Thrones GIFs HBO
Let's start a prayer circle in the comments for Jon Snow and hope he survives the finale. We're betting on Jon's stabbing being the finale cliffhanger, personally, and we won't find out Jon's fate until the season six premiere. Basically...
We all know NOTHING.
Game of Thrones GIFs HBO

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