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The Newest Victoria's Secret Angel Is A Black Woman!

Leomie Anderson has officially joined Victoria's Secret as the newest 'angel'. Leomie is just the sixth black woman the lingerie brand has given the 'coveted wings' to. This is a great recognition for Leomie and it is well-deserved. The British model and designer actually began walking in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show back in 2015.

Instagram Photo: @LeomieAnderson
Leomie took off with her modeling carer in 2010 when she walked in her first fashion show for Marc Jacobs. She has glided across the runway for high-end brands like Calvin Klein, Fenty and Tom Ford. Obviously VS made a good decision by adding the ebony goddess to their team.

Instagram Photo: @LeomieAnderson

While I do wonder about the timing of this decision considering the recent focus on promoting more diverse women (insert Michelle Obama's side-eye), I am very happy for her and for the representation this provides for dark-skinned girls and women across the world.

I will continue to follow Leomie's career because that girl is on fire!

(Pretty Mocha)
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