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Bufferin Sweepstakes and Our Bucket List Dreams!

Today I am joining in with the wonderful people from Bufferin to discuss two important topics…our need to have great pain-relief in our cabinets and our desire to accomplish a list of special, unique-to-us things in our lifetime.  I have written a couple of posts about my own personal bucket list and I love it that Bufferin sent along a blue bucket with clothespins…I write my list on the pins and when one is achieved, throw the pin in the bucket.  My list is more about accomplishments and my kind of fun than climbing mountains or jumping from airplanes…but, I am not putting down those things…if you have the courage, GO FOR IT!

My list includes:

Return on a trip to New York City

Travel to Paris

Take an Oriental Cooking Class (or desserts…whichever comes available first!)

Take Ballroom Dance Lessons

Write a regular column in a magazine

Publish a book

Go on a speaking tour for the book

Own a top designer, fabulous dress

Wear a size 10 or 12

Remodel my kitchen

I know... not that exciting…maybe too realistic…but just right for me!  In order for me to do these things, I must be in top health at sixty which means continuing to work with my trainer!  My doctor subscribed an aspirin a day for me a long time ago…that is when Bufferin became a daily part of my life.  Now, it helps with all of the aches and pains I have experienced from working out…and it seems there is something new every month!  And I believe, Bufferin will continue to be in my future as I pursue these Bucket List goals!  I originally selected Bufferin over others, because it was tried and true in my home growing up.  I like the fact it is easier on the stomach yet tough on pain than other aspirins, and available where I shop in WALMART AND WALGREENS.

To celebrate all of us wonderful Baby Boomers, Bufferin is hosting a BUFFERIN BUCKET LIST SWEEPSTAKES on their Facebook page!  All you have to do, is



Register your name, and top three bucket list items

They will select winners at random on March 7 and March 14.  Each winner a $1000 American Express gift card to use toward your bucket list dreams!

Paris is always a good idea…don’t you think??

Get the latest information on Bufferin at www.bufferin.com.

This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. I received a full-sized bottle of Bufferin® Buffered Aspirin and the craft supplies for my own personal use.  All opinions, text and experiences are my own.

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