On Sunday evening I attended my graduation ball. The biggest date in any final years university calendar, and it was defiantly one to remember.
10:30am I was woken to my flatmate WhatsApp-ing me to ask whether I had started getting ready. In wandered into the kitchen to find 7 girlies all being pampered to the nines, while I stood there in my PJ’s and bedraggled hair.
(I apologise for the grainy images, I'm not sure what I'd done to my camera that night) |
However I had a secret weapon. I wanted my dress to be a showstopper, a once in the life time ‘wow’ piece. Yes, I did want to draw people’s eye, but who doesn’t want to be remembered eh?
I searched high and low the vast internet; however I just couldn’t find The One. But then I found Girl Meets Dress. It was by complete accident I stumbled across the site, but oh was it fate! They are a dress rental company, so I truly had my Cinderella moment, with my carefully wrapped package being delivered, but then sadly come Monday morning having to return the great beauty.
And here is The One.
It is honestly the most stunning thing I have ever seen, I couldn’t stop staring at myself! How I am ever going to top this I will never know!
As having a celebratory glass of wine, and taking a mountain of photos, we all piled into our carriage... or coach and we headed to Blackpool ball room.
On arrival we were treated to the Blackpool tower circus, which the acrobats were breathtaking, the flexibility, and strength were incredible. I defiantly might have to reconsider running away to the circus, I might do myself an injury.
Sadly, I didn’t get many photos as I got my camera banned, great DSLR is a little inconspicuous, but being the dedicated blogger, my friend let me nick a couple of photos which she sneakily took with her iPhone. Naughty.
After the show we moved into the ball room itself. Let me just say Wow! I’ve seen the ballroom on Strictly Come Dancing, but in real life it is just as breathtaking.
We then danced till our feet hurt to Fleur (she sings the vocals on some of DJ Fresh’s songs) who by the way was fabulous; and Fenech Soleur, before heading up to the balcony for rest and recovery, e.g. seats and wine.
My beautiful friends Nessa, Becca, Mark and Heather.
For the finally James Arthur took to the stage. Now I never watched X-Factor so wasn’t too familiar with his songs, but he was quite good.
We then danced some more until our feet gave out; we laughed, hugged and basked in the memories of 4 long but amazing years With all our fellow graduates until it was time to head home.
I truly had an unforgettably night, and it was a fitting way to bow out of my university journey.
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