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My Valentine's day: a little brunch and a Lolita meeting

Hello everybody! I hope your weekend was ok, as your Monday... did you receive lots of presents last Sunday? I hope so!

On that day, I went with Laia for brunch. Unfortunately, the place we were looking for was closed, so finally, we had it in another one called Marmalade. It was good, but of course, not as good as the one in Berlin!!


We ate Benedict's eggs with salmon and Pancakes... really good! After brunch, we met Esther in our favourite coffee and I helped her with her hair because we had a lolita meeting at half-past five. We went into Opera's cafe and had a lovely time chatting with people...

Mavako brought as some candies, lovely!!
Edo, Esther and me
Alba's bunny bag was raped by us... 

I would like to show you some of the wonderful girls at the party...

Esther, with her stunnig Juliette et Justine dress. 
Malloco; I really love her style, is wonderful!
Sara was so beautiful too, she's got a great style!
My beloved Yayra, so sweet!
Mavako with a lovely handmade apron-skirt, lovely!

And this is what I was wearing... 

Shirt - Blanco
Cardigan - Mango
Halloween skirt - Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Tights - Calzedonia
Shoes - International Choice
Scarf - H&M
Head flower - Handmade

Tomorrow I'm back into my classes; it's a pity that they're only once at week!!

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