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~rants & rambling:are you qualified to beauty blog?~

This is going to be a boring, emotional & heart-pouring type of rant, so i'd totally understand if you wouldn't want to read this.

I have never been as bothered as i was before when i read the article pertaining to beauty blogging. I am a very positive person as what you should have all known. I tried to look at the 2 sides in everything, but this the one time that really riled me up.

You can go over HERE to take a look at the article.

This is my very own opinion as a beauty blogger & as a consumer. Hence, im saying sorry i offended anybody with this post, but im not singling out anybody.

A question that i want to ask all of you is:
"Why do you read beauty blogs?"

I can ask a lot more follow-up questions with that, but i'll just leave you with that question for the meantime while i go on rambling.

I'm pretty sure that most of you have already read the article about the "relationship" (does it have any?) between beauty blogging & professional journalism. Do we classify 'blogs' as part of the media? What do you think?

I started blogging because i want to keep a journal about my beauty adventures. I write anything that i want because i am my own boss. Nobody tells me what to write or to not write. I share what works with me. I am not a professional & is not aiming to be one. Now, does that make me unqualified to voice out my opinion. Maybe so since i did not study to be a pro, but that won't stop me from sharing my thoughts.

I don't really read magazines that much, i recently started reading OK! magazine (which is not exactly a beauty magazine), mainly because of Frances. She is the editor-in-chief of OK! & does a fab job! I browse magazines, but not really the type who collects it to fed my beauty addiction. I'd rather read those that came straight from ordinary girls like me.

What really made an impact is my watching make-up videos on Youtube. I find that i can connect with them because they are mostly ordinary people who doesn't give a fig about having a license in mixing colors & foundations. I can relate with the simple words they are using, not some jargons out there on some beauty magazines that makes it seem so professional that ordinary people can't even relate to.

I respect their passion because they give their time & effort no matter how busy they are.They have an effect, not just on me, but on most beauty afficionados as well because they can connect with us. (I know that i'm going in circles, but i want to stress that out)

I also have respect for those make-up artists who had spent lots of years learning the ropes of the field. They invested time, money & a lot of effort.

What i don't have respect for are those who looks at people down just because they think that the other is not professional enough to 'mingle' on their level. Professional or not, you can't deny the fact that times are changing & ordinary people can now voice out their opinions through the internet. This is not just about beauty blogging but is applicable to everything that we common people blog about.

I get to know different brands because of that. How will i get to know that there are certain brands like Jemma Kid, Fyrinnae, Orglamix, Lacura, Skin79 & the likes if not for beauty bloggers or vloggers? I can go & buy magazines to keep me updated with the latest products out there, but do they actually feature those brands? Don't they always just stick with the major brands out there?

How will we know what are the other tools that people use (aside from the usual hot irons & common stuff) if not for beauty blogs? Do beauty magazines actually allot pages for girls to tell their first hand experiences? Will they be truthful about it & not edit it for fear that the brand would get back at them?

As a consumer, im very much offended with the implication of the said article.

I consider a lot of options when i buy product...i consider the price, ingredients, quantity, availability & of course review. I wanted to know what are the chances of a certain product working on someone. I take extra careful looking at the swatches & how it looks like before i go spending my hard-earned money.

*This is when i get really emotional, bear with me*

I can be fickle in my blog if i want to, this is my blog for heaven's sake!

I don't need some professional MUA talking down at me because my eye-make-up looks baloney. I'll appreciate the advice if i asked for it, but if not then butt out. This is my face & i can do whatever i want with it. I'm an ordinary woman, who have ordinary needs, that looks for ordinary people who uses ordinary products & gives ordinary reviews or makes ordinary looks using ordinary words... get my drift?

If you don't like my blog, then fine. Don't read it....I won't die if you won't. I won't die if you even said my blog sucks. I do this for fun & i am having fun with beauty blogging. I get to know a lot of products & made a lot of friends. I talk to my readers as if they are next to me because i want to reach out to them. I want them to feel what i feel, see what i see & think about my thoughts.


I did not even bother to put a Disclaimer on my blog since i use words "ME, MY, MINE, I & the likes" which implicates that this is my own opinion. I'll put a disclaimer or warning if not but most of the time i blog about products that i bought using my very own money.

This is because i am a consumer first & foremost.

What the heck, a lot of girls have started from voicing their opinions/recommending products to having their very own line. Lauren Luke already have her make-up line...same with Michelle Phan's IQQU, Bubzbeauty has her very own store now... How did they come up with their own line? Isn't it because they are also consumers & as a consumers, they know exactly what we want? Again, because they can connect to ordinary girls.

In fairness to Sam (the one who wrote the article), she gave some valid points, but how the way she made it sound is very one-sided. What do we call bloggers who are actually MUA since the article is meant for the "general bloggers"? They are the only exclusions, is that so? Because they have used one product to tens of people out there?

Because of the said article, lots of girls are giving out their thoughts & its overwhelming to be able to read what each & everybody thinks about the topic.

I don't know....but it really ruffled my feathers the wrong way. I should look at it in an objective manner, but i can't seem to since she also didn't.

I know that i should not really be affected with such articles, but i was...actually i am. I won't even be able to go to IMATS ever but I'm just 1 of the hundreds...or thousand bloggers out there. I'm not out to make war, my blogger sisters, what im after is just to give my opinion about this.

Since i began rambling, i just have to say that i did not even notice that my blog anniversary had already passed. I wrote my first post February 12 (here) & because i was having so much fun it slipped my mind.

I want to say thank you to everybody who continually supports my blog & doesn't give a damn about how fickle i am & how i talk to my readers & not write professionally. I will continue to do so because im a beauty blogger & is proud to be one!

With that said, i have said all i want to say about this topic.
Sorry if it's so long. I wouldn't call it a rant if it isn't, ne?

I sound like a meanie, but i would just want people to know what i really feel.

How about you?
Are you fickle too?
Do you have a license or qualifications to start blogging?
What are your thoughts?

Tell me...

This time i wouldn't put my usual closing since i'm not really feeling as friendly as i should be. but this one really made me feel better because i have already made my tiny voice be heard all over the internet.

I should just go back to watching Bewitched. Im sure that i'll forget all about this after a couple of good laughs.

Regular blogging will be back right after this.

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