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Things are not always as they seem...

I have been looking for some of the limited edition Fantasy Makers for a swap before they disappear from stores in a few days. I already found Creepy Pumpkin and Purple Potion, so the last one on my list was Black Magic. I managed to find it today, but I also managed to run into something that was very frustrating...

Take a good look at this next photo...

Do you see anything different in the labels for these two polishes? No? Me too...
They have the same UPC, same item #, and same name...

Now look at what is inside these...

See the difference now? Yeah... even though they have the same number (I'm assuming lot number) printed along the bottom, they are completely different. The top bottle is the Black Magic that I have seen swatches of and the bottom is just solid black.

The 1st few stores I stopped at had the solid black bottles, so I thought I was loosing my mind and maybe I only "saw" glitter in swatches. I decided to buy a bottle after seeing it in the third store I went to. As luck would have it, the fourth store had the glitter version. Please tell me why this upsets me so...

To add insult to my shopping injury yesterday, I wanted to buy a black light to photograph a glow in the dark polish. I have been unsuccessful trying to photograph it on its own and read that a black light brings it out in photos. I found a light bulb called "Black Light Bulb". Something made me pause over it wondering if it is a black-light light bulb or just a black (color) light bulb. I bought it after a cashier reassured me it was a black-light light bulb. I should have known with the day I'm having that it would just be solid black... no black-light effect whatsoever. :(

OK, I feel better now! Plus, I figured out how to photograph the glow in the dark polish without the black light! Yay :)

Thanks for letting me rant!
Anutka :)

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