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This Japanese Zoo Goes Viral For Their Hilarious Lion Escape Drill

We have all been through various emergency drills, right? Whether that would be a fire drill at work or beautiful flight attendant waving their hand around, going through all the things that could go wrong on-flight.But, as it turns out, the Internet is full of surprises and offers not only endless cat videos but entertaining ways to look at security measures as well. Sure, it’s important to look into such things seriously but what could be more useful than a drill that for once is actually involving. We would join one for sure!

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This Japanese Zoo Decided To Perform A Lion Escape

We all love to feel prepared when it comes to the worst things we can imagine and Tobe Zoo in Ehime is no exception.

And it totally made sense to have a human dressed up as a lion

The footage shows the person pretending to be an escaped lion, wandering around the zoo most likely looking for pray.

The fake lion was observed by the real zoo inhabitants

As the imposter was roaming the zoo freely, the real lions kept there observed the scene. We’ll never know if it wasn’t intended but maybe they have learned the lesson as well?

While this may seem hilarious, no one would want to face it in real life

While this may have been a good practice for the zoo workers, we hope they never get to use the nets and tranquilizers during a real event.

The real lions were not impressed

Good thing the lion family living in the zoo was not tempted to follow the example of the imposter and stayed cuddled up together, observing the ludicrous scene.

Here’s how people reacted to the hilarious video

Image credits: la_schwab

Image credits: architek2ra

Image credits: angiebaermn

Image credits: barefoot_cas

Image credits: rsgnyc

Image credits: RoowanCrook

Image credits: rdowd57

Image credits: SeaSaltArt

Image credits: MercyOladosu

Image credits: IsaLeeWolf

Image credits: Cameroneous

Image credits: cm_mcudaily

Image credits: Extr0ne

Image credits: shaun_stegall

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