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Weird things girls do when they are home alone

Today let’s look at some funny and even sometimes weird things that girls can do when they are home alone.

Making yourself feel free by taking off the bra

Often, this is the first thing a girl will do when she comes back home. She wants to feel the freedom in her every move and she wants to breath freely too.

Talking to Siri

–  Hey Siri, do you love me?

– Do you think I’m pretty?

– Siri, how are you doing? Are you even real?

Leaking the chips while watching a movie…

Well, this can happen because, we, girls, love to stay in shape and avoid unnecesary calories by all means. And locking the chips feels almost like eating them anyway! 

Dancing when no one is watching

Oh, if you’d ever had a chance to see this happening, you would have difficulties to stop laughing. 

Singing in the shower…

…or singing in front of a mirror like a star. Who has never done that? We all are guilty of it, right?

Getting carried away by selfies

It happened to all of us: we start with just one selfie and then we do it another couple of hundred times, because we want to get that perfect, out of this world, selfie! Heh, and then, one hour has already passed by.

Buying yourself a cake and eating it entirely

Yes, this is another one of funny (or sad) things girls do when they are home alone, and this usually happens when girls use sugar to compensate for the lack of love.

Create monster face mask with super effect

This happens when you want a mask with multiple effects at the same time: moisturising, exfoliating and tightening. Who never applied avocado and an egg to their face? 

Model your entire wardrobe to classic Witney Huston

Who never tried to be a model at home? Trying on different clothes while listening to your favourite music is so fun, this is why girls love doing it. 

Starting to pretend you are a star, while drying your hair

This is another one of fun things girls love doing when they are home alone. It feels so good and liberating!

Doing stretching…which turns into a selfie

After Victoria Beckham did a selfie with her leg up, it became a trend, so now, why not try it when you are home alone?

Trying to use pillow as baby bump, to see how you will look pregnant

This is another one of funny things girls do when they are home alone. Who never tried it? Be honest 😉

Using the 30 second rule

Well, if it haven’t been on the floor for longer than 30 seconds, you can eat it, right?

Cleaning while dancing

Who never tried it, it’s both fun and useful, and we all know how girls like multitasking.

Trying on your boyfriend’s clothes

This is another fun activity that girls do when they are some alone. Some ladies love to wear their boyfriend’s jeans more than their own ones.

Checking your the freshness of your clothes 

How do we do this? Well, we smell them! Yes, it might sound weird, but well, we are home alone, so nobody will notice.

Trying how high you can sing

Who never tried to be an opera singer when you are home alone? It can be so much fun!

Exercising while eating the chips

Well, multitasking basically? We all know how ladies love multitasking, right?

Flirting with yourself in the mirror

Blowing kisses for yourself, smiling and saying: “I love you!” Have you ever done this? It’s a great self confidence booster!

Eating two chips and then going to check if you are still thin

Yes, only girls can do it!

Doing really weird things, like…

…Checking if you can touch your nose with your tongue in front of the mirror. 

Being creative

Like, trying to eat cereal with orange juice, because you don’t have milk any more.

Keeping an eye on your weight

Unexpectedly opening your front phone camera and then starting to check if you are still thin.

Being lazy

Here is a good life hack, if you don’t feel like washing your dishes: wrap a plate with cellophane and then take it off when you are done eating. Your plate will still be clean, yay!!!

What girls do when they are home alone?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

Stay beautiful!

The post WHAT GIRLS DO WHEN THEY ARE HOME ALONE? appeared first on Beauty And Tips Magazine.

from Beauty And Tips Magazine

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