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Dutchess Exposes 'Black Ink Crew's Fake Storylines And Says Skye Is Lying About Her Sons

 Dutchess Exposes 'Black Ink Crew'

Dutchess spilled a whole of tea in her new Breakfast Club interview today. She basically exposed the entire as being fake. She says Big Fish production wanted her and Ceaser to get married so they can have a TV special and also turned turned an offer for spin-off show.

She also says that the apartments that the cast members are living in are not really their apartments and one of the female producers named Tiffany kiss Ceaser in a car for a storyline.

She was also asked about the situation with Skye and her son. She says Skye has lied about her sons for a storyline and that her baby daddy and son came to her shop for an interview

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