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Rachel Zoe: 'I was eight months pregnant'

Wow! It turns out that 42-year-old Rachel Zoe, who in early September, confirmed that the expecting her second child, is the ninth month of pregnancy. No one would have thought that a designer can give birth at any moment, she always chose for their outputs outfits free cut, allowing the star to hide her figure.

About that, what's Zoe term plans for the future and how she manages to cope with all Rachel said at the annual block party Baby2Baby Gala, which took place over the weekend:

This is wonderful. It's great. I mean, it is likely that output will be my last outing at a social event in the near future, because I'm on the ninth month. I'm going to lie down to sleep!

Rachel and her husband Roger Berman has brought up her son Skyler, who, according to the mother star, very excited about the upcoming new addition to the family: he is not happy with the fact that he will have to share my mom yet with someone and was starting to get used to the idea.

I think he's ready for it. He finally realized that the baby growing inside me. This process took a while, he could not understand and get used to the idea, but now everything is different.

About their figure is not particularly worried Zoe, now it's time for the main thing - it's a baby. Rachel said he was not going to do anything special to get rid of extra pounds after giving birth (though we doubt that in her case kilograms in general can be "superfluous"):

Any woman who has given birth will tell you that exercise do not have to, just to be a mom. Being a mom - it's the best exercise!

What will the Zoe's next? In the near future it will devote themselves to family and only then will his new career. Well, let's wish good luck Rachel!

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