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Brief Update

Finally, I found some time to blog! Ironically, it is during my on call session! How ironic especially when on calls are supposed to be the busiest time of your day :D

But nopes, I'm currently in Neurosurgical Department now, with every other day on calls, but hey, the on call room is super cool. It has a TV (which I'm not sure it is functioning or not), air conditioning, bed, wardrobe, and most importantly, computer with WiFi. What else can I ask for? :D

Well, as for what has happened so far during my close to two month posting, I guess surgery can be quite fun and chillax posting especially when there are like 40 colleagues and so many senior ones to boot. Only on calls are stressful.

As for the most interesting case so far, I guess it must have been an impending rupture of an aortic aneurysm (for those who are not in the same field, it means your biggest blood vessel in your body is going to explode!). And I freaking palpated an aortic aneurysm while grinning. Grinning because of the ultimate irony of the condition. When I was a student, we were not allowed to palpate an aneurysm in fear that it would rupture. But here I was, less than 2 months after graduation, palpating an aneurysm and listening to my supervisor say "Put up the sign, NOT FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS TO PALPATE".

I also went to my first ever clinic session. Again, another ironic moment for me. Yeah, I think too much that's why so many ironies. It was breast clinic. Again, during my student days, the younger girls will not want to let me examine because 1) I'm still a student 2) I look young, too young perhaps to instill confidence in them. But there I was again, palpating breasts of girls my age with my nurse saying "Tidak ape ye, untuk tujuan berubat". She really has her way with words.

In these short 2 months, I also was 'screwed' and criticised to the maximum until it felt so depressing. This is what happens when you get paired with a not so responsible/competent colleague and covering the entire periphery wards. My supervisor commented so badly about us, but somehow I feel that I get the sh*t more than my other colleague until all the surgeons and consultant and other superiors probably knew about it. That was a very depressing one week for me. But luckily one surgeon who I worked with for 6 weeks told me something that picked me up.

He asked me some simple questions about how to correct electrolyte imbalance which I answered correctly. And then he told everyone around him, "Cheng is good. I don't know there are some people who are saying he is not good." That really made my day! And also a few colleagues who gave kind words along the way. No more depression! (Btw, my name is Cheng now)

Oh well, I guess my brief update went into a long update. But must utilise the free connection to the maximum right? Haha. Anyway, till the next post, take care, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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