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ORIGINS 2009: This one is for Ron Bashian

I opened up this old issue of The Space Gamer that I picked up at Crazy Egor's booth at ORIGINS and got a surprise. I bought this mostly for nostalgia sake, but as I thumbed through it a note fell out - a note from Crazy Egor himself:

From ORIGINS 2009

April 2008
Dear Fellow Game Enthusiast:
This game came from a collection of an old friend and long time associate Ron Bashian. Ron had to give up his games for health reasons and I promised him I would find them good homes. If you now own this game, send Ron a post card or letter letting him know you now have one of his games and that you will be enjoying it, giving it a good home and a well cared for, continued life as they were meant to be. Don't send sympathy, he's a positive kind of guy!

[signed - Paul Meyer/Crazy Egor]

Ron, if you are reading this, I want you to know I value this old magazine very much. I used to have a complete set from issue #15 through the last issue put out by SJ Games. A decade ago in the middle of packing up for a big move decided I didn't need that old collection any more, and I have regretted that decision ever since. One issue doesn't replace my lost collection, but it surely does bring back a lot of good memories. I will treasure this, and someday I will find someone else who can also give it a good home. Thanks for sharing the games you love with the rest of us.
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