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Another Week

Hello again guys, 
This week I've been doing a few bits though mostly in awaiting my second child so been quite busy getting ready for that!
The milliput arrived and I've secured the trees and tried to make it look like tree roots. Now it's dry I need to score them and try and make them look root 'like'. The abandoned tank needs some flock added and I've started a piece of terrain with hopefully a small pond. This is my first ever attempt at something like this so fingers crossed. It involved layering cardboard to allow a hole then sealing the hole with filler. Now I'm just waiting for the filler to dry before I break out the paints. 
Oh also the shattered crown kickstarter I pledged on failed which sucks but the market seems to be flooded with new fantasy games and this one missed out this time but the great guys at dead earth games will be back. To cheer myself up I bought a new gang for across the dead earth more on them when they arrive. Give the dead earth site a visit here and have a look at the excellent Across the Dead Earth plus all the news on the shattered crown. 
That's all for now bye!

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