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Planning, painting and rules

One of the 6x6 challenge games I am planning to play uses WW2 naval rules by Panzer8 (which were based upon some free Minden WW1 naval rules). I had originally picked these rules as they would provide quick games if I was struggling to get sufficient games in.

To make the 6 games a bit more interesting I am thinking a mini-campaign should help. To help me get some ideas for the campaign I am about to read "Destroy the Scharnhorst" an adaptation from "The Battle of the North Cape" by Lt-Commander Michael Ogden, R.N.. I picked this little book up  in a secondhand book store some time ago and it was tucked away in the corner of a bookshelf waiting to be read.

Old and battered secondhand with yellowing pages
On the painting front I was able to complete another 19th century imagi-nations cavalry unit. Green stuff was used to help form the hats and disguise the fact that they are ACW cavalry. The rest of the figure remains unmodified other than painting.

My remaining time over the weekend was spent doing what I thought would be some final tweaks to the Sci-Fi rules I have been working on. Except as I progressed through a couple of trials games, I soon found the tweaking became a reworking of the combat rules. Both frustrating and interesting at the same time.

Sci-Fi game testing out new rule mechanisms

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