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WIP; Rank & File (2)

6 bases, all done !

That's the total rank and file complete with respect to bill. I intend to add a few double based units with flags and standards of some prominent commanders of the campaign, one of which I am currently working on, more on this soon.

I have made an effort to emphasise a slightly subdued palatte with this unit both to make the uniform / livery more prominent and to reflect the dyes available at the time so there are a lot of browns, muted yellows and greens and many 'dirty' variations on white for the gambesons. I have used a few more washes to give a bit more depth of colour also, I hope it shows, I really want these to look as authentic as I can get them for the period.

I have also developed a more productive routine which has resulted in a fairly quick turnaround - for me anyway, it's still painstakingly slow in comparison to serious gamers but something i'm quite satisfed with.


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