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minimalist lifestyle books: table style

book review of table styleBoy what a lovely day I had today. Why do I always feel so lonely back in New York City? It only takes one day with family in their huge house atop a giant hill over a good bbq to realize you are never really lonely. Everyone has someone. So cheer up lad and ladettes (is that a word?). Always remember someone, somewhere, is thinking about you and you alone. On that note, I have to share:

 minimalist lifestyle book review 

My latest read, Table Style by Liz Belton photographed by Debi Treloar.

I am in love with all of Ryland Peters & Small's books and hope to one day own a little book company just like them. But more on that later. Table Style reminds me of all the joys entertaining brings people as well as the rewards of adopting a minimalist lifestyle. The good company of friends or family, the satisfaction of creating concepts, the indulgence of a well planned (or even accidental) menu and the heavenly beauty sleep you fall into after its all done. I mean really, isn't that what life is all about? So the next time you see a pretty little decor book perched on a shelf, don't just leave it be, take it home and let it inspire you beyond just the kitchen and craft shop. Food, decor and entertaining books bring about memories you otherwise wouldn't think of, persuade you to call up on people you might have forgotten, or even give you a good enough excuse to throw a get together that otherwise would seem daunting. And Table Style did just that. One of my absolute favorite pages was the 'picnic in the park' feature complete with a makeshift tent made of branches and gauze under the cascading leaves of a weeping tree and romantic lunch for two. I immediately sprung up from my chair and ran to the basement, certain I would find a vintage picnic basket in Granny's hoarding collection (yeah I said it) and sure enough I did! So look out for a super sweet picnic photo shoot for this blog exclusively next week.

A few other enchanted ideas included a flower fountain (tea roses on an eggholder anyone?) perfect for a bridal shower or sister's birthday brunch, as well as weekend breakfast settings using collected patterned tiles as coasters (nothing a simple trip to the thrift shop wouldn't serve up) and yogurt in mason jars next to fresh cut garden blooms. How refreshing would that be the next time you had a book club meeting, right, right! So go on. Head to your local shop and pick up a copy. Snuggle up tomorrow on your favorite worn in cushion and see what little party you can plan next. And remember, you never really need a reason to celebrate...

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