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Saying goodbye to summer

BooHoo Embroidered Dress || Similar Lace Up Flats || Michael Kors Purse || Alex and Ani Initial Bracelet || Alex and Ani Unicorn Bracelet

Happy Wednesday friends!

I low key cannot believe that it's already Wednesday (but, no complaints because tomorrow is my Friday!). My week has been a little thrown off because of Labor Day weekend and I kinda can't wait until I can get back into the full swing of a set schedule for school and blogging. 

As much as I love bright happy colors, I always tend to gravitate towards my darker pieces as the weather starts to cool down. I always joke saying that I'm "mourning the loss of summer." 

With summer starting to be a distant memory, I thought this dress was the perfect piece to end the season with. Even though this outfit is on the darker side (it's black on black for crying out loud...), there are still some hints of my favorite summer trends peaking through. For one there are the infamous tassels making an appearance which we all know was such a big trend this past summer. 

Even though summer is winding down I am excited for the (slightly) cooler temperatures coming in. The whole "walking to class in 85 degree weather and sweating to death" look just isn't cutting for me anymore. 

What was your favorite memory this past summer? I've had a few memories stick out such as going to Warp Tour and meeting some new blogger friends! Let me know some of your summer memories in the comments down below! I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday and thank you for reading!

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